Many individuals enter into consumer loan contracts for various reasons: for home improvements and renovations, to purchase small appliances or electronics, or to acquire a new car or recreational vehicle.
The Canadian consumer financing industry historically charges end-user consumers interest of 19.9% upwards to 29.9% per year. BeaCH presents an opportunity for eligible investors to participate in this high yield industry.
BeaCH has consolidated a network of Canadian loan originators who generate consumer loans that meet our rigid criteria and standards. The underlying asset classes are historically proven to be conservative with excellent performance and yield characteristics.
For investment Series Alpha2, BeaCH Note holders can receive annual fixed interest rates of up to 9.00%, payable monthly.
Series Alpha2 is eligible to accept cash or registered funds (RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, LIRA, etc.).
BeaCH provides to retail investors a quality securitization product with yields higher than comparable institutional products.
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